Various internship opportunities from outside the department that provide valuable learning opportunities will be shared here as they are received:
American Angus Association, Angus Journal and Angus Genetics Inc. (Feb. 1, 2021 deadline to apply)
- Summer 2021 internship opportunities
- Students gain real-world knowledge and hands-on skills by serving as interns for the nation’s largest beef breed organization.
- 10-week duration
- Apply by sending resumé, cover letter and references to
- More information on internship opportunities can also be found at their website.
Talon Internships - An Angus Foundation Experiential Learning Program (Dec. 1 deadline
to apply)
- Interns will also have the opportunity to participate in other Angus and beef cattle educational events and activities off the farm such as conferences, field days, etc.
Open to all applicants with a desire to learn more and work with beef cattle. Applicants should be outstanding students who are ambitious, eager to learn, able to be mentored, willing to put in elbow grease, and have an interest in a career working with beef cattle.
College sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students under the age of 25 majoring in an agricultural related field of study are eligible to apply for the internship.
- The application, flyer and additional details can also be found at their website.
Other Job and Internship Resources: