Meats Quiz Bowl Team

Each year, the University of Arkansas Meats Quiz Bowl Team travels to the annual Reciprocal Meats Conference (RMC) to compete in the Iron Chef and quiz bowl competitions. The upcoming RMC will be held at the International Congress of Meat Science and Technology in Orlando, Florida.

In addition to attending the RMC, the quiz bowl team visits a variety of locations, including recent trips to:

  • Quapaw Meat processing plant in Quapaw, Oklahoma
  • Tyson Beef plant in Emporia, Kansas
  • Tiffany Cattle Co.
  • Blythe Angus Ranch
  • Kansas State University Veterinary School and Animal Science Research facilities
  • Paradise Locker Plant near Kansas City, Missour

For more information about how to be a part of the Meats Quiz Bowl Team, please contact Dr. Janeal Yancey at


Meats quiz bowl team visiting a meat counter
Meats Quiz Bowl Team and faculty advisor, Janeal Yancey, visiting a meat counter.